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edam_id mesh_id ncit_id id category name description subclass_of related_to contributor_name contributor_github_name contributor_orcid
edam.topic:3070 mesh:D001695 ncit:C16345 B2AI_TOPIC:1 DataTopic Biology Data involving any study of living organisms at any scale. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D002477 ncit:C12508 B2AI_TOPIC:2 DataTopic Cell Observations and measurements of cellular physiology and variation in cell types. B2AI_TOPIC:20 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D000080911 ncit:C188483 B2AI_TOPIC:3 DataTopic Cheminformatics Data regarding the physical properties of chemical compounds. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D008499 ncit:C15783 B2AI_TOPIC:4 DataTopic Clinical Observations All data derived from observations of individual clinical patients, whether as part of a clinical trial or in the course of diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D003625 ncit:C25474 B2AI_TOPIC:5 DataTopic Data Collected information at any stage of processing and analysis. Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D003710 ncit:C16495 B2AI_TOPIC:6 DataTopic Demographics Data describing a subset of a population, including sex, age, ethnicity, geographic location, or other factors. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D004194 ncit:C2991 B2AI_TOPIC:7 DataTopic Disease Data describing a disordered health state and its relationships to phenotype, genotype, other organisms, and environmental exposures. B2AI_TOPIC:5 B2AI_TOPIC:25 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D004364 ncit:C1909 B2AI_TOPIC:8 DataTopic Drug Data regarding the properties of substances intended to be used or investigated for their therapeutic properties. B2AI_TOPIC:3 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D055991 ncit:C142529 B2AI_TOPIC:9 DataTopic EHR Electronic health record data, including structured and unstructured text, lab values, and associated metadata. B2AI_TOPIC:4 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D004562 ncit:C168186 B2AI_TOPIC:10 DataTopic EKG Measurements of the electrical signals of the heart over time. B2AI_TOPIC:37 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
edam.topic:3855 mesh:D004777 ncit:C16551 B2AI_TOPIC:11 DataTopic Environment Descriptions and measurements of the relationships between people and their ecosystem(s). B2AI_TOPIC:1 B2AI_TOPIC:3 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D005796 ncit:C16612 B2AI_TOPIC:12 DataTopic Gene One or a select set of DNA sequences, coding or non-coding, and their properties. B2AI_TOPIC:13 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D016678 ncit:C16629 B2AI_TOPIC:13 DataTopic Genome One or more complete collections of gene sequences from a single individual, potentially including ony exon sequences. B2AI_TOPIC:23 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 ncit:C25341 B2AI_TOPIC:14 DataTopic Geolocation Measurements describing the location of an object or person on planet Earth. B2AI_TOPIC:5 B2AI_TOPIC:18 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 ncit:C48179 B2AI_TOPIC:15 DataTopic Image Visual representation of an observation, including but not limited to photographs, micrographs, radiology results, or data plots. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D008091 ncit:C48471 B2AI_TOPIC:16 DataTopic Literature The unstructured text contents of a selection of scholarly documents and/or the metadata of those documents. B2AI_TOPIC:32 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D055442 B2AI_TOPIC:17 DataTopic Metabolome Measurements of the presence, structure, and potential amount of small molecule metabolites within a sample from one individual, cell, organ, sample, or site. B2AI_TOPIC:23 B2AI_TOPIC:3 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
ncit:C97005 B2AI_TOPIC:18 DataTopic mHealth Mobile health data generated by individuals using health-related mobile applications and devices, concerning location, physical activity, and physiological metrics. B2AI_TOPIC:5 B2AI_TOPIC:14 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D008853 ncit:C16853 B2AI_TOPIC:19 DataTopic Microscale Imaging Images obtained through microscopy (e.g., optical, fluorescence, electron). B2AI_TOPIC:15 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
edam.topic:3047 mesh:D008967 ncit:C16872 B2AI_TOPIC:20 DataTopic Molecular Biology Any data concerning studies of the structure, function, and interactions of biological molecules. B2AI_TOPIC:1 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 ncit:C61377 B2AI_TOPIC:21 DataTopic Networks and Pathways Models of the interactions among biological entities or concepts. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D059906 ncit:C173635 B2AI_TOPIC:22 DataTopic Neurologic Imaging Images obtained through one or more brain imaging techniques, including computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or imaging of associated body structures (e.g., angiography). B2AI_TOPIC:15 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
edam.topic:3391 mesh:D000095028 B2AI_TOPIC:23 DataTopic Omics Data involving two or more comprehensive biomolecular screens, such as those of genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, or others. B2AI_TOPIC:20 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
ncit:C38060 B2AI_TOPIC:24 DataTopic Ophthalmic Imaging Images of the interior and/or exterior of the eye. B2AI_TOPIC:15 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D010641 ncit:C16977 B2AI_TOPIC:25 DataTopic Phenotype The set of observable traits of an organism, whether constant or in response to a given set of conditions. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D011506 ncit:C17021 B2AI_TOPIC:26 DataTopic Protein One or a select set of amino acid sequences and their properties. B2AI_TOPIC:28 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D011487 ncit:C13303 B2AI_TOPIC:27 DataTopic Protein Structure Model Representations of the three-dimensional structure of a protein in one or more states or conformations. B2AI_TOPIC:26 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D020543 ncit:C18276 B2AI_TOPIC:28 DataTopic Proteome Measurements of the presence, sequence, and potential amount of proteins within a sample from one individual, organ, sample, or site. B2AI_TOPIC:23 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D064890 ncit:C171586 B2AI_TOPIC:29 DataTopic SDoH Social Determinants of Health, i.e., properties of one or more people contributing to their health, wellness, and disease risk. B2AI_TOPIC:6 B2AI_TOPIC:11 B2AI_TOPIC:14 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D061108 ncit:C97003 B2AI_TOPIC:30 DataTopic Social Media The unstructured text derived from social media correspondence. B2AI_TOPIC:32 B2AI_TOPIC:6 B2AI_TOPIC:14 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D006306 ncit:C17176 B2AI_TOPIC:31 DataTopic Survey Data submitted by members of a study population, usually in response to specific questions. B2AI_TOPIC:5 B2AI_TOPIC:6 B2AI_TOPIC:14 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 ncit:C25704 B2AI_TOPIC:32 DataTopic Text Any unstructured or semi-structured collection of written human language. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D012333 ncit:C1936 B2AI_TOPIC:33 DataTopic Transcript One or a select set of RNA sequences derived from gene expression, and their properties. B2AI_TOPIC:34 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831 mesh:D059467 ncit:C153194 B2AI_TOPIC:34 DataTopic Transcriptome Measurements of the presence, sequence, and potential expression level of gene transcripts within a sample from one individual, cell, organ, sample, or site. B2AI_TOPIC:23 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D014644 ncit:C25713 B2AI_TOPIC:35 DataTopic Variant An alteration in a gene sequence relative to another set of sequences, whether associated with a phenotype or not. B2AI_TOPIC:12 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D014831 ncit:C92692 B2AI_TOPIC:36 DataTopic Voice Audio data produced by human speech, not including non-linguistic utterances. B2AI_TOPIC:37 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
B2AI_TOPIC:37 DataTopic Waveform Representations of a signal as a function of time, including audio recordings or electrocardiogram readings. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
mesh:D015190 ncit:C92744 B2AI_TOPIC:38 DataTopic Glucose Monitoring Tracking a person's glucose levels over time, whether in real-time using a small sensor inserted under the skin, or through glucose readings collected at regular intervals. B2AI_TOPIC:18 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
ncit:C187892 B2AI_TOPIC:39 DataTopic Activity Monitoring Mobile health data involving estimates of physical activity frequency, duration, and/or intensity. May include data from accelerometers, pedometers, or other mobile devices. B2AI_TOPIC:18 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831
edam.topic:3571 B2AI_TOPIC:40 DataTopic Governance All data components created to maintain security, privacy, accuracy, availability, and usability of other parts of the same or other data. B2AI_TOPIC:5 Harry Caufield caufieldjh ORCID:0000-0001-5705-7831