High-level classes for Bridge2AI Standards schemas.
URI: Name: standards-schema-all
Class | Description |
AnatomicalEntity | A subcellular location, cell type or gross anatomical part |
BiomedicalStandard | Represents a standard in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry with particular app... |
DataStandard | Represents a general purpose standard in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry |
DataStandardOrTool | Represents a standard or tool in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry |
DataStandardOrToolContainer | A container for DataStandardOrTool(s) |
DataSubstrate | Represents a data substrate for Bridge2AI data |
DataSubstrateContainer | A container for DataSubstrates |
DataTopic | Represents a general data topic for Bridge2AI data or the tools/standards app... |
DataTopicContainer | A container for DataTopics |
ModelRepository | Represents a resource in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry serving to curate a... |
NamedThing | A generic grouping for any identifiable entity |
OntologyOrVocabulary | A set of concepts and categories, potentially defined or accompanied by their... |
Organization | Represents a group or organization related to or responsible for one or more ... |
OrganizationContainer | A container for Organizations |
ReferenceDataOrDataset | Represents a resource in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry serving as a standa... |
ReferenceImplementation | Represents an implementation of one or more standards or tools in the Bridge2... |
Registry | Represents a resource in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry serving to curate a... |
SoftwareOrTool | Represents a piece of software or computational tool in the Bridge2AI Standar... |
TrainingProgram | Represents a training program for skills and experience related to standards ... |
UseCase | Represents a use case for Bridge2AI standards |
UseCaseContainer | A container for UseCase |
Slot | Description |
alternative_standards_and_tools | List of identifiers of standards and tools; those not explicitly planned to b... |
category | Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized |
collection | Tags for specific sets of standards |
concerns_data_topic | Subject standard is generally applied in the context of object data topic |
contribution_date | The date on which the node was added |
contributor_github_name | The name of the github user who added this node |
contributor_name | The name of the person who added this node |
contributor_orcid | The ORCiD of the person who added this node |
data_standardortools_collection | Collection of associated data standards or tools |
data_substrates | Relevance of the use case to one or more data substrates |
data_substrates_collection | Collection of associated data substrates |
data_topics | Relevance of the use case to one or more data topics |
data_topics_collection | Collection of associated data topics |
description | A human-readable description for a thing |
edam_id | Unique EDAM identifier |
enables | Other use case(s) this use case supports or makes possible |
file_extensions | Commonly used file extensions for this substrate |
formal_specification | Relevant code repository or other location for a formal specification of the ... |
has_relevant_organization | Subject standard is managed or otherwise guided buy the object organization(s... |
id | A unique identifier for a thing |
involved_in_experimental_design | True if use case is likely to be implemented as part of an experimental proce... |
involved_in_metadata_management | True if use case is likely to be implemented as part of metadata indexing, sa... |
involved_in_quality_control | True is use case is likely to be implemented as part of data validation opera... |
is_open | Is the standard or tool FAIR and available free of cost? |
known_limitations | Any current obstacles to implementing this use case |
limitations | Potential obstacles particular to this substrate or implementation |
mesh_id | Unique MeSH identifier |
metadata_storage | Data Substrate in which metadata is stored |
name | A human-readable name for a thing |
ncit_id | Unique NCIt Identifier |
node_property | A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value |
not_relevant_to_dgps | Is the standard or tool currently relevant to DGPs? |
organizations | Collection of associated organizations |
publication | Relevant publication for the standard or tool |
purpose_detail | Text description of the standard or tool |
related_to | A relationship that is asserted between two named things |
relevance_to_dgps | Relevance of the use case to one or more DGPs |
requires_registration | Does usage of the standard or tool require registrion of a user or group with... |
ror_id | Unique ROR identifier |
standards_and_tools_for_dgp_use | List of identifiers of standards and tools; those planned to be used, or alre... |
subclass_of | Holds between two classes where the domain class is a specialization of the r... |
topic_involves_anatomy | A relationship between a DataTopic and an anatomical entity |
type | A generic slot for any label corresponding to the label for an entity type a... |
url | URL for basic documentation of the standard or tool |
use_case_category | Category of the UseCase |
use_cases | Collection of associated use cases |
use_conditions | Applicable conditions on use, as defined by the Data Use Ontology (DUO) |
wikidata_id | Unique Wikidata identifier |
xref | URI of corresponding class in an ontology of experimental procedures, in CURI... |
Enumeration | Description |
DataGeneratingProject | One of the Bridge2AI Data Generating Projects |
StandardsCollectionTag | Tags for specific sets of standards |
UseCaseCategory | Category of use case |
Type | Description |
Boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
CategoryType | A primitive type in which the value denotes a class within the model |
Curie | a compact URI |
Date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
Datetime | The combination of a date and time |
Decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... |
Double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
EdamIdentifier | Identifier from EDAM ontology |
Float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
Integer | An integer |
MeshIdentifier | Identifier from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) biomedical vocabulary |
NcitIdentifier | Identifier from NCIT reference terminology with broad coverage of the cancer ... |
Ncname | Prefix part of CURIE |
Nodeidentifier | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
Objectidentifier | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
RorIdentifier | Identifier from Research Organization Registry |
String | A character string |
Time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... |
Uri | a complete URI |
Uriorcurie | a URI or a CURIE |
WikidataIdentifier | Identifier from Wikidata open knowledge base |
Subset | Description |