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High-level classes for Bridge2AI Standards schemas.

URI: Name: standards-schema-all


Class Description
AnatomicalEntity A subcellular location, cell type or gross anatomical part
BiomedicalStandard Represents a standard in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry with particular app...
DataStandard Represents a general purpose standard in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry
DataStandardOrTool Represents a standard or tool in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry
DataStandardOrToolContainer A container for DataStandardOrTool(s)
DataSubstrate Represents a data substrate for Bridge2AI data
DataSubstrateContainer A container for DataSubstrates
DataTopic Represents a general data topic for Bridge2AI data or the tools/standards app...
DataTopicContainer A container for DataTopics
ModelRepository Represents a resource in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry serving to curate a...
NamedThing A generic grouping for any identifiable entity
OntologyOrVocabulary A set of concepts and categories, potentially defined or accompanied by their...
Organization Represents a group or organization related to or responsible for one or more ...
OrganizationContainer A container for Organizations
ReferenceDataOrDataset Represents a resource in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry serving as a standa...
ReferenceImplementation Represents an implementation of one or more standards or tools in the Bridge2...
Registry Represents a resource in the Bridge2AI Standards Registry serving to curate a...
SoftwareOrTool Represents a piece of software or computational tool in the Bridge2AI Standar...
TrainingProgram Represents a training program for skills and experience related to standards ...
UseCase Represents a use case for Bridge2AI standards
UseCaseContainer A container for UseCase


Slot Description
alternative_standards_and_tools List of identifiers of standards and tools; those not explicitly planned to b...
category Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized
collection Tags for specific sets of standards
concerns_data_topic Subject standard is generally applied in the context of object data topic
contribution_date The date on which the node was added
contributor_github_name The name of the github user who added this node
contributor_name The name of the person who added this node
contributor_orcid The ORCiD of the person who added this node
data_standardortools_collection Collection of associated data standards or tools
data_substrates Relevance of the use case to one or more data substrates
data_substrates_collection Collection of associated data substrates
data_topics Relevance of the use case to one or more data topics
data_topics_collection Collection of associated data topics
description A human-readable description for a thing
edam_id Unique EDAM identifier
enables Other use case(s) this use case supports or makes possible
file_extensions Commonly used file extensions for this substrate
formal_specification Relevant code repository or other location for a formal specification of the ...
has_relevant_organization Subject standard is managed or otherwise guided buy the object organization(s...
id A unique identifier for a thing
involved_in_experimental_design True if use case is likely to be implemented as part of an experimental proce...
involved_in_metadata_management True if use case is likely to be implemented as part of metadata indexing, sa...
involved_in_quality_control True is use case is likely to be implemented as part of data validation opera...
is_open Is the standard or tool FAIR and available free of cost?
known_limitations Any current obstacles to implementing this use case
limitations Potential obstacles particular to this substrate or implementation
mesh_id Unique MeSH identifier
metadata_storage Data Substrate in which metadata is stored
name A human-readable name for a thing
ncit_id Unique NCIt Identifier
node_property A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value
not_relevant_to_dgps Is the standard or tool currently relevant to DGPs?
organizations Collection of associated organizations
publication Relevant publication for the standard or tool
purpose_detail Text description of the standard or tool
related_to A relationship that is asserted between two named things
relevance_to_dgps Relevance of the use case to one or more DGPs
requires_registration Does usage of the standard or tool require registrion of a user or group with...
ror_id Unique ROR identifier
standards_and_tools_for_dgp_use List of identifiers of standards and tools; those planned to be used, or alre...
subclass_of Holds between two classes where the domain class is a specialization of the r...
topic_involves_anatomy A relationship between a DataTopic and an anatomical entity
type A generic slot for any label corresponding to the label for an entity type a...
url URL for basic documentation of the standard or tool
use_case_category Category of the UseCase
use_cases Collection of associated use cases
use_conditions Applicable conditions on use, as defined by the Data Use Ontology (DUO)
wikidata_id Unique Wikidata identifier
xref URI of corresponding class in an ontology of experimental procedures, in CURI...


Enumeration Description
DataGeneratingProject One of the Bridge2AI Data Generating Projects
StandardsCollectionTag Tags for specific sets of standards
UseCaseCategory Category of use case


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
CategoryType A primitive type in which the value denotes a class within the model
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
EdamIdentifier Identifier from EDAM ontology
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
MeshIdentifier Identifier from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) biomedical vocabulary
NcitIdentifier Identifier from NCIT reference terminology with broad coverage of the cancer ...
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
RorIdentifier Identifier from Research Organization Registry
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE
WikidataIdentifier Identifier from Wikidata open knowledge base


Subset Description